Why Wedding Photography should be the top priority on your wedding list

Why Wedding Photography should be the top priority on your wedding list

Why Wedding Photography should be the top priority on your wedding listWhat’s the first thing hits your mind when it comes to wedding preparation?

Most probably, it’s not wedding photography. Right!

But it should be. Let’s discuss why.

3 Reasons why wedding photography should be the top priority on your wedding list:

Give your function the life of more than 100 Years

Had everyone got the invitation, how’s my wedding dress looking like, it should be the best, food should be the tastiest, decor should make the venue like a dream. That’s it! Anything left?

Well, these are some of the priorities when it comes to wedding preparation. Yes, Right!

But you’ll see decorated flowers will wilt, tasty food dishes will quickly be eaten, invitations will be found in the bin, next day, and the dress will be worn once only. But there’s something that is going to stay with you for a lifetime or even more than that. What’s that?

Yes, Your wedding photographs!

Mostly we keep wedding photography at the end of our wedding list.

But its actual place is at the top because everything will be wrapped the next day after the wedding. Everything will vanish in 3-4 days. But the only thing that’ll re-boost your feelings & emotions again is the wedding photographs and videos, they’ll stay with you for years not days. 

So that was the one point that why wedding photography should be the top priority on your wedding list. And now comes the next point. 

Boost your fun and help vanish shyness

Are you getting married to your love or its an arranged marriage?

Well, any of the case love or arranged, the photographer help bringing you more closer. How?

While the pre-wedding shoot, you get the chance to come even closer & comfortable with your loving partner. And that shoot not only gives you some beautiful photographs but also some magical moments that’ll giggle you even after years of your marriage. Those moments fill more strength in your bond and give you future dreams to make each other happy. Correct! or not?

And remind the previous wedding in your family, how many fun moments you got while shooting. Remember that mild smile you got while the artist focussed the camera on you when you were enjoying your chilled vanilla ice cream. Who’s your favorite cousin? Remember your shoot with her or him, too much fun. Right!

So, a lot of moments are there which your photographer gifts you and get the emotions out of you while the shoot. Yes, it’s also the task of the photographer to crack a joke while your family picture and captures the real laughter that can bring a smile to your face when seeing it later. Not only this, what else we get, let’s know in our next point.

Relive moments & touch the emotions again

What photography gives you? Photos & Videos. No! 

It gives you those fun-filled evenings full of emotional drive with a bowl of popcorns. Yes, you got it right!

Photographers not only gift you the access to relive the wedding or pre-wedding memories. But also give you new moments to create with your dear friends & family.

Hey! Are you imagining?

Ok, Let’s imagine together.

Imagine you are all set with your gang to switch on your wedding video. And now starts your dream, coming your first ritual…

Everybody just recognizing their faces, and you are checking your dress & makeup, how’s it looking. Everyone is passing comments & in a jolly mood. And it’s going on. Then suddenly, there’s silence all around, and everyone got emotional, including you. Off!

Let’s end it here. No more tears. Hehe!


Wedding photography is a thing of significance that should be on the top of your priority list. Maybe you got it now, Why? And your budget should not be the barrier because it gives you tears, happy smiles, sweet laughter, and lifetime memories that are much more valuable than that. So don’t let your memories adjust. It’s the real treasure you gain from the celebration of your bond.


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