Photography tips for right background images

Photography tips for right background images

The beauty of any photograph can get enhanced when it is captured in a right way. Also, presenting background in a right way is a challenging task for photographers. Sometimes, in some photographs, background distracts you from the main subject of the photo. So in order to avoid such situations it is very much important to learn how you can get the background right. Also, this is one of the common mistakes made by those photographers which are just beginners. So, it is important for the photographers to learn how they can capture photo carefully so that attention can be paid to the main subject. In this article, Studio Memory Lane – a team of best candid wedding photographers in Punjab and Chandigarh, is going to give you the details about the photography tips for right background images.

  1. Select backgrounds which are plain

It is advisable to go with backgrounds which are plain and better to avoid backgrounds which are having strong patterns. Plain backgrounds with single subject are very helpful in making image strong. A background which is not plain and is imposing visually, distracts the appearance of subject. You can make sky as your plain background by taking the picture from a low angle during a cloudless day or during night. Also, a side building will work well as a plain background.

  1. Provide your subject some distance

Don’t keep your subject too close to the background as this will let your subject stand out. Keeping some distance between your subject and your background will make your it look sharp and background can be blurred out. Blurring of background is not always required. Sometimes, picture looks incomplete without background.

  1. Crop in tight

You can also zoom into your photograph if you want to avoid the background. By this, you are giving all the attention to the subject. Sometimes zooming part of the photo don’t include whole of the subject. Thus, cropping the photograph is a better option if you don’t want your photograph with a distracting background.

  1. Keep balance

If you can’t understand what to do with the background and how much close the background is from the subject or we can say the situation is not in your control then you can search for other things in the background such as shapes or lighting which will help you in balancing your composition.

  1. Move your subject

This is one of the best photography tips for right background images. Ask your subject to move a little right side or left. This will help in fixing thing. Thus, moving subject to avoid distraction will help you to get a perfect frame.

  1. Place your subject in front of open spaces

Placing your subject in the front of an open space is also very helpful. This will help you in taking photographs with perfect blur effect. For instance,  if you are taking a photo of your subject in the front of wall. It will not give you a perfect blur effect that you can get while taking a photo in front of an open field because wall is just at a small distance from subject, but in an open background, everything gets blurred.

  1. Fill your frame with your subject

This is a very effective way to avoid the distraction produced by the backgrounds. Use your zoom lens and take a nice shot. This will lead to a good impact shot.

  1. Make your own background

This is also a good idea. All you need to do is just choose a background of your own choice. You can use some colorful cloth or you can buy a purpose built studio background which will be very helpful. Also, many photographers use colored sheets and use them as backgrounds.

  1. Use contrast

Look for those backgrounds which are either brighter or darker than your subject. This technique is very good and helpful in drawing attention to the subject. Dark backgrounds are not suitable for the people who have dark complexion.

  1. Change your point of view

Also, sometimes it not the background which is distracting but it is the position of the camera which is not right. So, while taking a photo change the position of the camera to check the background effect from different positions. If you want to compose a photo and you find any distractions then you should change the position of your camera.

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Well these are the photography tips for right background images which can help you in creating something wonderful. For more such blog posts, stay tuned with Studio Memory Lane, via:

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